Investing with Your Retirement Account on the RealtyMogul Platform

Sponsors on the RealtyMogul Platform may provide investors with the option to use their retirement funds in a Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) or Checkbook Controlled IRA1

What are the Different Types of Retirement Accounts?

A Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) is a distinct category of retirement account in which you maintain control over, and responsibility for, the investments in your account. This type of IRA allows you both greater control over managing your investments and potentially more freedom in the types of investments you can make than most conventional IRAs offer, including the ability to invest in real estate.

There are two common types of Self-Directed IRA’s: the custodian-controlled SDIRA, and the self-directed IRA LLC or Trust with Checkbook Control.

To learn more about the differences between these two types of SDIRAs, visit IRA Financial’s article on this topic: Custodian Controlled vs. Checkbook Control - IRA Financial Group. In addition, self-employed individuals with no full-time employees may have the opportunity to create a solo 401(k).

Potential Benefits of Investing in Real Estate with your SDIRA Account
Sponsors offer investors the ability to use their retirement funds in a Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA) account to invest directly into institutional-quality commercial real estate offerings.
Potential Cash Flow
Commercial real estate is one of the most popular non-traditional asset classes for retirement investing because of the potential for long-term appreciation and consistent cash flow.
Potential Tax Benefits
Combined with the potential tax advantages of a qualified retirement plan, a passive investment in real estate that requires little effort from the investor may offer a compelling option to build wealth for retirement.
Potential Income
By adding exposure to real estate, investors may be able to diversify their retirement portfolios and potentially may be able to generate income that has the potential to grow and compound within a tax-sheltered retirement account over time.
Some of the Potential Pitfalls of Investing in Real Estate with your SDIRA Account

Risk: Real estate investments are speculative and involve substantial risk. A loss of part or all of the principal value of a real estate investment may occur. 2

Liquidity: Real estate investments are typically highly illiquid and are designed as long-term investments, and investors bear the economic risk of an investment for an indefinite period of time.

Inability to receive investment advice: SDIRA’s are self-directed, and custodians are not permitted to give investment advice. The purpose of the SDIRA is to give investors complete control over their retirement accounts rather than to provide investment advice

Paperwork, fees and complications: Investments in real estate and the use of SDIRAs often include additional fees and IRS requirements that may not be required in more traditional retirement options. It is important to do your homework to ensure you understand the fees being charged and avoid unnecessary expenses and be well versed in the IRS guidelines to avoid the risk of any tax penalties

Eligible Investment Options on the RealtyMogul Platform
Potentially grow your retirement savings in a tax-deferred or tax-free environment. This investment vehicle enables individuals to reinvest potential profits from real estate investments, including rental income and capital gains, into other investments tax-free.
Open to All Investors
Minimum Investment
A Real Estate Investment Trust, or “REIT”, is a single investment into a diversified basket of real estate properties

Use our preferred custodian Equity Trust to set up your SDIRA account. Equity Trust offers discounted custodial fees for RealtyMogul REIT investors.
Open to Accredited Investors Only
Minimum Investment
Investment in a property with an operating partner who handles the day-to-day & provides oversight and management.

Use our preferred custodian IRA Financial to set up your Checkbook IRA LLC or Trust account. IRA Financial offers discounted custodial fees for RealtyMogul private placement investors.
Invest in Real Estate with your Self-Directed IRA

To invest on the RealtyMogul platform, you’ll need to open an account with an accepted custodian. It’s important to understand the different types of investment options available to you and the corresponding custodial requirements.

Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA)
Established by an individual and held by a custodian that’s specially equipped to handle the account’s administrative requirements.

Income REIT
Apartment Growth REIT

Equity Trust

- 45 years of experience¹
- Over 400 employees dedicated
Checkbook IRA LLC or Trust (Checkbook Controlled IRA)
The individual has complete control over the accounts’ investments and can make investment decisions without needing approval from a custodian. This type of IRA is often established as an LLC or Trust and is managed by the individual rather than a third-party custodian.

Private Placements

IRA Financial

- Direct Access to Self-Directed IRA LLC, Trust, and Solo 401(k) experts
- Trusted by 25K+ members in all 50 States
Self-Directed IRA (SDIRA)
Established by an individual and held by a custodian that’s specially equipped to handle the account’s administrative requirements.

Income REIT
Apartment Growth REIT

Digital Trust

- Nevada Licensed Trust Company
- Trusted by over 38,000 Account Holders

1 Guidance provided herein relating to SDIRA, rollovers or the use of retirement funds from an IRA, is for informational purposes only and should not be misconstrued as a recommendation or advice.RealtyMogul nor any of its affiliates or professionals are considered investment advisory fiduciaries under Title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). You should consult with your financial advisor(s) and tax professional(s) to obtain specific information regarding costs, fees and other factors to consider in deciding to use or rollover retirement funds.

2 Investments in real estate are speculative, highly illiquid, and involve substantial risk. You should not invest unless you can sustain the risk of loss of capital, including the risk of total loss of capital. Please carefully review the general platform Disclosures and the specific offering documents for each investment product which contain important information about the fees you will pay, conflicts of interest, and relevant specific and general risks.
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