RealtyMogul Launches
1031 Exchange Investments Program

1031 Exchange Investment

Steve Haskell, 1031 Industry Leader, Tapped to Spearhead New Concierge Service


Los Angeles, CA – DATE – RealtyMogul, a leading online platform used to invest in high quality commercial real estate, today announced the unveiling of the RealtyMogul 1031 Concierge Program as part of its ongoing strategy to offer investors diversified real estate investment opportunities. This program provides a curated selection of 1031 exchange-eligible investment properties.

“We are excited to be able to provide our investors access to this range of 1031 exchange-eligible opportunities. At RealtyMogul we are committed to helping our members build their personalized real estate portfolio and I know Steve will play a key role in empowering our investors to achieve their 1031 exchange goals,” Said Jilliene Helman, CEO of RealtyMogul.

1031 exchange investors will be able to consult with a dedicated 1031 specialist to explore various tailored solutions. These include exclusive multifamily product offerings from its sister company, RM Communities, and access to deals from RealtyMogul’s network of over 100 real estate sponsors across the country.

To launch this new service, Steve Haskell, an industry veteran in the 1031 exchange arena, has joined the firm. Steve brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his new role, having previously served as Senior Vice President at a leading investment firm, where he worked closely with 1031 exchange transactions and direct investment clients across the country.

In his previous role, Steve headed Kay Property and Investment’s San Diego office, where he established himself as a leading expert in Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) and passive real estate investments. During that time, Steve directly participated in finding solutions for clients to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate via private securities such as DSTs, TIC, LLC, REITs and QOZ Funds. Prior to his tenure in the securities industry, Steve served over 14 years as an officer in the United States Air Force including multiple deployments to Afghanistan and locations throughout Africa.

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Brokerage services are offered by RM Securities, LLC, an SEC-registered broker-dealer (member FINRA/SIPC). Research RM Securities, LLC, on FINRA’s BrokerCheck . RM Adviser, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of RealtyMogul, Co., is an SEC-registered investment adviser and an affiliate of RM Securities, LLC. RM Adviser, LLC provides investment management services exclusively to certain REITs and single purpose funds. and does not provide investment advisory services to individuals. Please carefully review our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and RM Securities, LLC’s Form CRS, Regulation Best Interest Disclosures, and Business Continuity Plan Disclosure.


Stephen Haskell (BrokerCheck) is Vice President at RealtyMogul and brings a wealth of experience, having previously served as Senior Vice President at a leading investment firm, where he worked closely with 1031 exchange and direct investment clients. In his previous role, Steve established himself as a leading expert in Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) and passive real estate investments. During that time, Steve directly participated in finding solutions for clients to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate via private securities such as DSTs, TIC, LLC, REITs and QOZ Funds. Prior to his tenure in the securities industry, Steve served over 14 years as an officer in the United States Air Force including multiple deployments to Afghanistan and locations throughout Africa.
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