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Empowering investors for over 10 years
Explore select real estate opportunities.
Go beyond stocks and bonds.
Consider diversifying your portfolio with real estate investments that match your risk profile. Choose from deals that have been evaluated by our affiliated broker-dealer RM Securities using formalized processes and checklists.

To learn more about how RM Securities evaluates deals, click here.
A variety of private market offerings
${totalMembersVerbose} members have joined.¹
In private placements, 1031 Exchange properties, and Real Estate Investment Trusts (“REITS”)
Over ${totalAmountFinancedTruncated} in capital invested on the platform.¹𝄒²
Exposure to more deals
Over ${totalPropertyValueFinancedVerbose} of property value offered on the RealtyMogul platform since inception.¹
We offer you more than just an investment platform
RealtyMogul’s team of real estate professionals search the US to find compelling investment opportunities with different levels of risk-adjusted returns.
Detailed, transparent information enables you to make personal decisions in pursuit of your financial goals.
Reach out and connect with a dedicated Investor Relations team member anytime you have questions about the Platform.
Objective: Income
Members can invest in professionally managed properties

RealtyMogul simplifies commercial real estate investing through the use of cutting-edge technology giving Members access to commercial real estate opportunities with the potential to generate income.
of Property Value Offered on the RealtyMogul platform since inception ${totalPropertyValueDate} ¹
It’s not easy for a property to make it onto the Platform today
We have a formalized process and checklist for every investment opportunity listed on the RealtyMogul Platform.

• Review of the Sponsor

• Review of the Business Plan

• Review of the Property

• Documentation & Due Diligence
Overall Track Record1
Total Realized Investment Amount
Total Realized Investments
Overall Realized IRR
Overall Target IRR
The future of real estate investing
It has always been our mission to give investors access to diverse real estate opportunities, and we are proud of the diversity of offerings on the Platform.1
Investments Made1
Capital Invested1,2
In Real Estate Nationwide1
  • RealtyMogul lets investors browse, conduct due diligence, invest and track the performance of their investments through an online dashboard.
  • RealtyMogul is breaking down barriers by connecting investors with major real estate projects.
1 Capital invested includes: (i) common equity investments in real estate companies and funds; (ii) fixed income investments including preferred equity, senior debt, and mezzanine debt in connection with the acquisition or refinance of commercial real estate; (iii) residential debt investments in connection with financing the acquisition, improvement/renovation, and sale of single family homes; and (iii) loans originated for sale which include non-fractionalized loans sold to institutional buyers. Includes capital that has been deployed by, as well as material amounts of committed but undeployed cash held by, affiliated and unaffiliated real estate companies and funds, including cash in real estate funds that has been returned from completed investments. Certain investments are made by Realty Mogul, Co. or its affiliates. This information should not be used as a basis for an investor’s decision to invest. Investment opportunities on the RealtyMogul Platform are speculative and involve substantial risk.

2 Past performance is not indicative of future results and should not be used as a basis for an investor’s decision to invest. Investments made on the Realty Mogul Platform (“Platform”) prior to ${brokerDealerLaunchDate}, were not offered by RM Securities, LLC and should not be viewed as indicative of or attributable to any performance related to the investment products or services offered by RM Securities, LLC, nor should you assume that any products or services offered by RM Securities, LLC will in the future will be profitable or equal to any performance of cumulative or specific past investments made on the Platform. Investment opportunities offered on the Platform are speculative, involve substantial risk (including loss of capital), and are illiquid. Please carefully review all Defined Terms herein, Platform Disclosures, and all of the specific offering documents for each investment product which contain important information about the fees you will pay, conflicts of interest, and relevant specific and general risks. All information and any calculations used herein is based on information from inception through ${brokerDealerLaunchDate}.

3 Investments in real estate are speculative, highly illiquid, and involve substantial risk. You should not invest unless you can sustain the risk of loss of capital, including the risk of total loss of capital. Please carefully review the general platform Disclosures and the specific offering documents for each investment product which contain important information about the fees you will pay, conflicts of interest, and relevant specific and general risks.

4 NAREIT Equity REIT Index sourced from NCREIF ( The NAREIT Equity REIT Index contains all publicly listed US Equity REITs not designated as Timber REITs or Infrastructure REITs. The NAREIT Equity REIT Index is illustrative of the potential average annualized returns available to investors in Commercial Real Estate. REITs offered by RealtyMogul are not publicly traded, require minimum investments and may have better or worse average annualized return performance compared to this Index.

5 Based on the returns of the S&P 500 Index, Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index, and the NCREIF (National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries) Index, with and without an asset allocation to direct real estate, over an 11-year time period (2006-2016). Each index provides a broad representation of a particular asset class and is not indicative of any investment. Asset allocation does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss. The rates of returns shown do not reflect the deduction of fees and expenses inherent in investing.
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